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China condemns terrorist attack in Pakistan

Stellar Stories news portal2024-06-03 19:08:23【style】0People have gathered around

IntroductionChina strongly condemns the terrorist attack that killed five Chinese and one Pakistani national in

China strongly condemns the terrorist attack that killed five Chinese and one Pakistani national in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and asks Pakistan to thoroughly investigate the incident as soon as possible, hunt down the perpetrators, and bring them to justice.

"China is working with Pakistan on the follow-up operation with an all-out effort," a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday. China also asked Pakistan to take effective measures to ensure the safety and security of Chinese nationals, projects, and institutions, the spokesperson said.

The Chinese embassy in Pakistan has reminded Chinese citizens and businesses in Pakistan to closely follow the local security situation, strengthen security measures, and do their best to take extra safety precautions against terrorist attacks.

China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners and iron-clad friends, the spokesperson said, adding that China-Pakistan Economic Corridor greatly contributes to the socioeconomic development of Pakistan.

"Any attempt to undermine China-Pakistan cooperation will never succeed," the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson said China resolutely supports Pakistan in fighting terrorism, and will work with Pakistan even more firmly to fully ensure the safety and security of Chinese nationals, projects, and institutions in Pakistan.

Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif visited the Chinese embassy in Pakistan to convey condolences and sympathize with the deceased families and the Chinese government, and strongly condemned the terrorist attack.

Other Pakistani political figures, including President Asif Ali Zardari, its foreign minister and its interior minister, also have strongly condemned the attack and offered condolences to the deceased.

Very good!(621)